It’s official! Motorcycle Mall is now selling Specialized electric bikes (e-bikes). But what are e-bikes you ask?

Some may think of a scooter or an electric motorcycle when they hear e-bike, but they are closer to regular bicycles. The difference is fundamental; e-bikes have electrical components such as a motor, battery, and a controller and does not use gas to operate. The idea behind an e-bike isn’t for the bike to take over, but assists in propulsion while the rider uses the pedals, also known as pedal-assist.

Advantages to Electric Bikes:

For those of you that are looking to decrease your carbon footprint, e-bikes are electric, so there is no need to use gas to power this bike, versus a scooter, motorcycle, or even e-bike’s cousin, the moped, that does run on gas.

Avid bike riders that still like the feeling of riding a bicycle on the road, mountain, or through the park, e-bikes will give you that same feeling, just with a little more power behind it. You can ride for a longer period of time without getting as tired. An e-bike is meant to boost human power, especially going uphill or riding through wind when there is usually more resistance.

E-bikes are customizable and the rider can choose when they want pedal-assist activated or when they want to do all of the pedaling, which can all be done on a connected mobile app. The rider can also determine what percentage of assistance they want during their journey. Let’s say you want to do a 12-mile ride, you can set the level of assistance to 60% versus 100%. 

You can also choose when pedal-assist is activated based on battery life using the Smart Control feature on the Specialized Mission Control app. If you want your battery to be at 20% by the end of your 12-mile ride, the bike will automatically pick the best levels of assistance throughout your ride to maximize your battery. This comes in handy to ensure that you don’t “run out” of electrical power, or else you may have to pedal home the old fashion way.

Mission Control Mobile Application

E-bikes are also cost effective for those who do not want to purchase a more expensive scooter or motorcycle and do not plan on getting a motorcycle license or endorsement; as long as the bike has a top “electric” speed of 20mph and motor power is less than 750W due to federal motor vehicle regulations. But it is acceptable for the rider to go faster than 20mph by utilizing pedal power.

Additionally, electric bikes are not as regulated as other motorized vehicles which reduces the price since related state licensing and registration fees are not added.

If you are interested in purchasing a Specialized e-bike, visit Motorcycle Mall today!

If you would like to learn more, contact us at 973-751-4545 or go to our website here.